Give Your Wigs & Extensions a Long Life: Your Maintenance Guide

It is important to give proper care for your wigs and extensions to retain their ideal appearance and keep them going fantastic for longer. Hair extensions and wigs may last anywhere from three to six months or a year, based on 3 factors- how well they're cared for, their quality and how often are they worn. The more you shampoo, heat and style your wigs/extensions, the lesser their longevity will be. Therefore, limit your cleaning and product application. The essential thing to keep in mind is that, unlike your natural hair, your hair extensions and wigs don't have organic moisture and oil supply. So, keeping them hydrated and preventing dryness is also critical to extending their longevity.

You can easily make your hair extensions and wigs last long, retain their shine and appear healthy if you take good care of them but it gets tricky at times. Hence, MRSLM has put together some maintenance tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your wigs and extensions. 

Use wigs and extension friendly products

When it comes to taking care of your wigs and extensions, among the most notable factors to consider is to use the right hair styling products. This makes a huge difference in keeping your wigs and hair extensions nice, soft, shiny, manageable and also prevent them from tangling. Here is a brief list of ingredients that are bound to damage your beautiful wigs and extensions:

  • SLS
  • Propyl
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
  • Ethanol
  • Denatured Alcohol AKA Alcohol Denat
  • SD Alcohol 40
  • Isopropyl
  • Propanol

Wash them at the right time

When it comes to washing your extensions, we advise doing so just once a week, no more and no less. Wigs have to be washed once in 4 weeks. You don't have to shampoo them as much as your original hair since they aren't exposed to the oil extracted by the scalp. There are three exceptions to the once-a-week shampoo rule. They are:

  1. When there is a lot of product buildup
  2. If your wigs and hair extensions are getting increasingly difficult to style, i.e., are getting stiff
  3. When your scalp is extremely itchy

Dry them the right way

We strongly recommend against blow-drying your wigs and extensions after each wash since it dries them out and makes them highly prone to breaking. To preserve sustainable, shiny and controllable strands, opt for air drying by leaving them freely on a wig stand or any elevated stand, away from fabric material. When you put a damp wig on a fabric material, the wig cap might stretch and lose its shape. However, if you really need to go somewhere right after cleaning/shampooing them, the most essential thing would be to blow dry on a cold set to avoid heat damaging.

Minimize the shedding

Yes, your wigs and extensions shed hair too, and there are two main reasons behind them: mid-hair breakage and loosening from the roots. Here is how you can avoid this from happening and retain their natural bounce.

  • Always treat your wig and extensions with care.
  • To eliminate tangles and buildup, brush them lightly with a wide-toothed comb/brush (before washing).
  • The heat from boiling water, a curling iron, a blow drier and open flames should be avoided at all costs.
  • Avoid rubbing your wig on objects that cause friction, like bed linens, stiff collars and non-satin pillows. These heavily damage wigs and extensions and can cause mid-hair breakage.
  • Use a satin or silk pillowcase. If these are not available, use a silk or satin bonnet/hair scarf when sleeping.
  • Your wig and extensions should not be touched a lot, rubbed, twisted or wrung.
  • When the extensions and wig are wet, refrain from brushing and touching them. Avoid brushing them until 90% dry.

Avoid using hair setting products

Using sticky items like hair setting spray, gel or wax in your wigs and extensions will clog them. In addition to that, the more the products you use, the more often you'll have to shampoo them. Remember that over-washing your extensions will result in them getting dry & knotted. Take into account that such products if used on the scalp might also transfer to the extensions due to head motions or scalp sweat.

Brush them with a soft hand and in the right way

Ensure that you comb your wigs and extensions correctly and are being extremely careful with them at all times, as this might affect their longevity. Follow these steps for best results:

Step 1: Collect all the hair around

Step 2: Divide them into equal segments

Step 3: Gently brush out all the hair strands starting from the bottom

Step 4: Work your way up to the roots

In case of heavy tangled hair, separate the tangled knots and lightly comb through them without pulling hard. A dense brush or a wide-toothed comb goes a long way in such situations. Also note, that when your hair extensions and wigs are damp, avoid brushing them because this is when they are the most prone to breaking.

Shampoo them properly

It's critical to moisturize your wig and extensions as much as feasible before shampooing them. Wig shampoo and other extension care solutions made particularly for their delicate fibers should be used. There are specialized conditioners for wigs and extensions too, that aid in the restoration of their original style and bounce pattern. As previously stated, ingredients like sulfate and alcohol deplete the hair's moisture, making it drier and far more vulnerable to tangles and clumping. When shampooing, be gentle with the hair and avoid scrubbing them aggressively. Always finish by rinsing them in cold water, like your natural hair, to seal in moisture. Once done, gently squeeze the water from the wig and extensions but don’t pull too tight. Don't rub and dry with a towel; the best things to use is your cotton tee or a microfiber towel.